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Monday, March 4, 2024

The US Postal Service to Launch Stamp Assortment That includes the Pictures of Ansel Adams

The US Postal Ser­vice will probably be class­ing up the joint, with the deliberate launch of 16 stamps fea­tur­ing the pho­tog­ra­phy of Ansel Adams. They write:

Ansel Adams made a profession of craft­ing pho­tographs in exquis­ite­ly sharp focus and close to­ly infi­nite tonal­i­ty and element. His abil­i­ty to con­sis­tent­ly visu­al­ize a sub­ject — not the way it seemed in actual­i­ty however the way it felt to him emo­tion­al­ly — led to a number of the most well-known photographs of America’s nat­ur­al trea­sures includ­ing Half Dome in California’s Yosemite Val­ley, the Grand Tetons in Wyoming, and Denali in Alas­ka, the excessive­est peak within the Unit­ed States.

Because of be unveiled on Might fifteenth, the stamps will fea­ture icon­ic US land­scapes, includ­ing Half Dome in Yosemite Nation­al Park, Mon­u­ment Val­ley in Ari­zona, the Grand Tetons, the Snake Riv­er and extra. Discover extra infor­ma­tion on the stamps right here.

through Kot­tke

Relat­ed Con­tent

Ansel Adams Reveals His Cre­ative Course of in 1958 Doc­u­males­tary

The Cap­ti­vat­ing Sto­ry Behind the Mak­ing of Ansel Adams’ Most Well-known Pho­to­graph, Moon­rise, Her­nan­dez, New Mex­i­co

200 Ansel Adams Pho­tographs Expose the Rig­ors of Life in Japan­ese Intern­ment Camps Dur­ing WW II

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