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Saturday, March 9, 2024

Virtually 500 Etchings by Rembrandt Now Free On-line, Courtesy of the Morgan Library & Museum

Sev­en­teenth-cen­tu­ry Dutch painter Rem­brandt van Rijn might have extra identify recog­ni­tion than close to­ly any oth­er Euro­pean artist, his pop­u­lar­i­ty due largely to what artwork his­to­ri­an Ali­son McQueen iden­ti­fies in her guide of the identical identify as “the rise of the cult of Rem­brandt.” Pop­u­lar Rem­brandt ven­er­a­tion introduced us within the twentieth cen­tu­ry such cor­po­charge appro­pri­a­tions of the painter’s lega­cy as Rem­brandt tooth­paste and mon­ey mar­ket agency Rem­brandt Funds (par­tic­u­lar­ly iron­ic, “giv­en the noto­ri­ety of Rembrandt’s financial institution­rupt­cy in 1656”). “In con­tem­po­rary pop­u­lar cul­ture,” writes McQueen, “Rembrandt’s identify has such res­o­nance that the top­line of an arti­cle within the New York Occasions Magazine­a­zine in 1995 referred to the stylish bar­ber Franky Avi­la as ‘the Rem­brandt of Bar­bers.’”

By invok­ing Rembrandt’s identify, the creator knew his learn­ers would underneath­stand that this con­nec­tion implies that Avila’s talent with a razor equals that of Rembrandt’s together with his paint­brush or etch­ing nee­dle… even when a learn­er has nev­er actu­al­ly seen any work by Rem­brandt.

Certainly, although any per­son on the road will like­ly know the artist’s identify, most could be hard-pressed to call any of his paint­ings, besides per­haps his well-known self-por­traits, which have adorned t‑shirts, posters, and iPhone cas­es. I may not have identified far more about Rem­brandt than these self-por­traits both had I not lived in Wash­ing­ton, DC, the place I had free entry to a lot of his paint­ings on the Nation­al Gallery of Artwork.  The Dutch mas­ter was aston­ish­ing­ly professional­lif­ic, paint­ing, draw­ing, and etch­ing hun­dreds of por­traits of him­self and his patrons, in addition to hun­dreds of nonetheless lifes, land­scapes, scenes from mythol­o­gy, and plenty of, many Bib­li­cal sub­jects.

Rembrandt Mother

Nowa­days, you may see Rembrandt’s paint­ings totally free on-line, whether or not from the Nation­al Gallery of Artwork’s col­lec­tion, that of the Nation­al Gallery in Lon­don, or of the Dutch Rijksmu­se­um. And for anoth­er aspect of his genius, now you can go to the web site of New York’s Mor­gan Library and Muse­um, who’ve dig­i­tized “virtually 500 pictures from the Morgan’s excep­tion­al col­lec­tion of Rem­brandt etch­ings,” cel­e­brat­ing his “unsur­handed talent and inven­tive­ness as a mas­ter sto­ry­teller.” There are, after all, plen­ty of self-por­traits, just like the 1630 “Self Por­trait in a Cap, Open-Mouthed” on the high of the put up, and there are por­traits of oth­ers, like that of the artist’s moth­er, above, from 1633. There are reli­gious scenes just like the 1655 “Abraham’s Sac­ri­fice” under, and land­scapes like “The Three Timber,” fur­ther down, from 1643.


Rembrandt Three Trees

These are the 4 foremost cat­e­gories that the Mor­gan makes use of to orga­nize this impres­sive col­lec­tion, however you’ll additionally discover there extra hum­ble, domes­tic sub­jects, just like the 1640 “Sleep­ing Pup­py,” under. Writes Hyper­al­ler­gic, “The Mor­gan holds in its col­lec­tion many of the tough­ly 300 identified etch­ings by Rem­brandt, includ­ing uncommon, mul­ti­ple ver­sions (therefore the dis­crep­an­cy in num­ber of etch­ings ver­sus num­ber of pictures.)” Like his excessive­ly accom­plished paint­ings, Rembrandt’s etch­ings “are well-known for his or her dra­mat­ic inten­si­ty, pen­e­trat­ing psy­chol­o­gy, and contact­ing human­i­ty,” in addition to, after all, for the additional­or­di­nary talent with which the artist made these artworks. Due to the “cult of Rem­brandt,” everyone knows the artist’s identify and rep­u­ta­tion; now, due to dig­i­tal col­lec­tions from Nation­al Gal­leries, the Rijksmu­se­um, and now the Mor­gan, we are able to turn out to be specialists in his work as effectively. Enter the Mor­gan col­lec­tion of sketch­es right here.


Observe: Observe: An ear­li­er ver­sion of this put up appeared on our web site in 2015.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

What Makes The Evening Watch Rembrandt’s Mas­ter­piece

The Largest & Most Detailed Pho­to­graph of Rembrandt’s The Evening Watch Is Now On-line: Zoom In & See Each Brush Stroke

Two Tiny Rem­brandt Paint­ings Have Been Redis­cov­ered & Put On Dis­play in Ams­ter­dam

Josh Jones is a author and musi­cian primarily based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at @jdmagness

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